Tuesday, May 21, 2019

To Specialists In Find Macular Degeneration Bethesda Is The Best Location To Check Out

By Virginia Howard

Muscular degeneration is the leading source of visual problems among many Americans. Most people are affected by this condition since a large number of the population is old. Macular degeneration (MD) alludes to the decay of the macula area of the eye. This is a little focal area of the eye in charge of controlling visual sharpness. It is located in the retina. When one needs to treat macular degeneration Bethesda offers the perfect location to visit.

When the macular is in good condition, then the human eye is able to read, recognize faces and perform other tasks that need seeing fine details. There is some macular degeneration level found among Americans who are 40 years in the US as revealed by a study. The condition is more common in older white people. About 14 percent of the whites who are over 80 years old are affected.

There are two principle diagnosis of MD, that is, wet or dry degeneration. Dry MD is additionally alluded to as non-neovascular MD whereas wet MD is alluded to as neovascular MD. The term neovascular is utilized to allude to the development of fresh vessels of blood in a zone such as the macula where they are normally not required to grow.

According to statistics, the dry MD is more common than the wet one. Actually, all diagnoses consist a percentage of 85 to 90 of the dry MD. The wet MD usually causes more severe damage in comparison to the dry form. In both forms of the disease, the part that is usually affected is central vision thus causing direct blind spots ahead.

There are a number of factors that contribute to dry MD but the main factors include thinning and aging of the muscular tissues. The tissues usually store pigment in the muscular as they age and thin. This form of MD may also be caused by age and it mostly occurs in older people. Also, the condition may strike youngsters when the macular begins to thin.

The dry form of the condition does not always cause vision loss that is as severe as the one caused by wet MD. However, it can cause degradation of retinal cells over a period of many years. This later causes equally severe loss of vision. At the moment, dry MD does not have any FDA-approved treatment even though a few drugs are in clinical trial stages.

Ongoing research shows that the risks involved with dry MD advancing to wet can highly be minimized through a diet rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. On the other hand, it has not been concluded if nutritional supplements can prevent the general effects of MD. Eating a healthy diet, exercising and wearing glasses have been suggested as ways of preventing development of MD.

As indicated by studies, 10 percent of dry MD progresses into wet MD. The wet MD results from the growth of new blood vessels under the retina. During growth, blood and fluid start leaking and this damages vision by destroying retinal cells. Therefore, vision loss and blind spots development happen permanently to the central vision.

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