Friday, August 12, 2016

What To Know On Black Mental Health

By Jerry Nelson

Problems like money worries, stress and family issues could lead to mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. It is not that unusual for one to have mental illnesses but in some places people tend to keep off from these people. Cases of anxiety and depression are mostly related to black mental health living in white countries. It is because of things they face like racism and unemployment.

Blacks living in first world countries go through a lot of trouble. They lack jobs, live under bad conditions and still face racism. The issues make some of them fall into depression since every day they have to tackle a different challenge. Those who have temporarily jobs are scared to report the issue so that they cannot lose their jobs.

By the time they seek medical attention a lot of them are usually in their worst condition. Research shows mental illnesses mainly affect those who have moved from country to another. That is the reason these issues are dominant to the black communities that have moved into a white man land. The risk gets higher for their children who have to learn the way to survive and deal with racism experiences.

It is important for one to speak up when going through a trying time. This could help save a life from spending their time in a mental facility. In most of these first world countries life moves fast and people are busy. If a family has moved from and African country where they were used to sharing problems with a friend falling into depression would be fast.

Most people pretend everything is okay which is wrong. There are many people willing to help if only one seeks help. One has the right to receive best treatment without the organizations compromising your cultural beliefs and faith. If you are in a country that speaks a language that you are not well conversant with the hospitals treating you should be able to help.

Racism has not ended even after all those years. Most blacks fall into depression after lacking jobs or good education due to their color. Others are homeless and live in the streets. They result into drugs and crimes and this life makes most of them to develop various these issues. Stereotyping cases have reduced but to some extent the society can still face it.

Cases of these issues in black people living below poverty line are high compared to those above. Many of them are suspects of robbery with violence and mass shootings compared to their white counterparts. This bruises their self-esteem and would result into post-traumatic stress. They feel like nobody has their interest at heart.

To run away from their problems a lot of black people result into excessive alcohol consumption. Drinking themselves to sleep fall them right into the depression ditch. One should eat healthy and exercise a lot to be able to solve these issues. Talking to someone too is very healthy. To those who know someone with any mental illness they should constantly check on how they are doing.

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