Thursday, March 21, 2019

Stylist's Tips For Creating Stunning Waikiki Wedding Hair And Makeup

By Eric Ward

Getting married is serious business. You and your partner are making a lifetime commitment. You want everything to be perfect on this special day. As a Hawaiian bride, it's your prerogative to hire a Waikiki wedding hair and makeup stylist to make sure you look your best. Even before the big day, there are some things you can do to make the job of the stylist easier.

The experts say you must do trials prior to the marriage ceremony. By the time the day arrives your hairstyle and makeup choices have to be perfected. About a month before the ceremony you need to start a skincare routine.

Brides should not try new moisturizers or face masks right before they get married. They can wake up on the morning of the ceremony with splotches all over their faces. The facial treatments they plan should happen a week or more before the ceremony.

The trial period is the time to discuss any particularities you have that could affect your appearance. When you are stressed or nervous, and your face turns red, is a good example. You might have the kind of hair that turns into a frizzy mess whenever it rains or gets humid. These are things your stylist needs to know in order to have alternative ideas in case the occasion arises.

Eating or drinking to excess the night before the ceremony is never a good idea. It has a lot of negative consequences that include, but are not limited to, the way the bride's eyes and skin will look. Eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit is a better plan. They have nutritional value and give the bride's skin a natural glow.

Washing your hair the morning of the service is not a great idea. Most stylists prefer to work with day old clean tresses because styles hold better. You might have thought this tip was an old wives' tale, but it's not. After you've washed and blown it dry, you just leave it until your stylist gets there in the morning. If necessary, the stylist can use dry shampoo to correct any unruliness.

Don't be afraid to say what you think. This is another good reason to have trials. You and the stylist you pick may have never met before. This person might have some great hairdo and cosmetic ideas that don't exactly fit your personality or the theme for your ceremony. These are things you need to discuss in the beginning. Certainly you should trust the stylist, but you need to trust your own instincts as well.

Another great tip the experts have for when you are in the experimental stages is to wear the color you'll be wearing when you walk down the aisle. If your dress is white, beige, blush, or even black, be sure to wear a tee shirt or blouse of the same color when you are working with your stylist. That way you will be assured everything is coordinated and complimentary.

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