Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Navicular Disease Treatment Alternatives

By Carol Bell

If you spot limping in your horse, it is likely they are suffering from caudal heel ache. All breeds are equally affected. The ache is more common in horses which have abnormally conformed heels, under-run, and mismatched hooves. It is impossible to completely cure deformation. Specialists recommend several Navicular disease treatment procedures to ease the pain. These vary from conservative techniques such as therapy and medication to more aggressive methods like surgery. Below paragraphs expound on each of them.

Slightly affected animals can manage with simple therapy which involves proper shoeing. The broken axis between coffin and pastern bone is a major reason for lameness. It affects how the pastern is aligned to the heel front and back. Gradual realignment reduces pain temporarily. Otherwise, trimming may be done to abnormally long toes to reduce break over.

If the size of toes does not require trimming, then specialists can try padding affected area to raise angular positioning. Ideally, if back and front hoof areas lie flat, more pressure will be exerted on flexor tendons. As pressure increases, blood circulation reduces. Ultimately, horse movement is affected. Padding reduces tension by maintaining normal pastern-heel axis. It works gradually depending on how much angular distortion had happened. Additionally, some horses do not respond positively to this form of therapy.

Therapy is not completely sufficient to reduce heel pain. This is why medication will be advised to supplement therapy. Medication differs depending on the cause of an ailment. Most commonly, veterinary officers use anti-inflammatory dosages. Phenylbutazone or simply Bute is a common medication which has been approved in most States. Drugs must be taken as advised by a veterinarian. To reduce medication frequency, dosage may be done during workdays of an animal. As a matter of fact, this is when pain is extreme.

Differently, Isoxsuprine can be used instead of Bute. When a horse has caudal heel pain, it means blood flow is not normal. Since blood vessels are squeezed around the heal area, a reduced amount of blood circulates freely causing deep pain. Isoxsuprine dilates these valves to increase blood circulation. Not all States approve this form of medication as it has not been proven to work effectively. Other drugs in this category are Pentoxifylline and Metrenperone. They are yet to be used clinically.

Besides drugs, extreme cases of lameness could be operated on. A most common surgical procedure is nerving also referred to as digital Neurectomy. Nerving is a procedure which involves cutting nerves lying digitally in the lower pastern area. Surgery has evolved gradually with time. Initially, it would be a simple process of cutting nerves with a scalpel. Today more advanced specialists nerve using highly improved laser devices.

Nerving tends to lose meaning since nerves continue growing even after being cut. At this point, no other form of management works better. An only alternative to help your animal survive comfortably is through easing pain. Neurectomy eliminates pain but does not cure the condition. Therefore, before resolving to this, ensure your veterinary is aware and all other therapies have been tried.

Not even the nerving provides a long lasting solution. Markedly, it may end up to more complications. As an owner, supplement therapy with other medications depending on condition of your animal. With proper management, the affected animals can operate more comfortably as pain is eased.

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