Friday, May 10, 2019

Follow These All-Natural Antiwrinkle Skin Care Tips Recommended By Dermatologists

By Laura Schmidt

No one can stop the aging process. However, it is very much possible to keep at bay the appearance of unsightly wrinkles. According to dermatologists, there are plenty of natural antiwrinkle skin care strategies that beauty-conscious women could follow in order to remain looking young.

Make sure that you moisturize liberally every single day. If you want to enjoy smoothness and firmness, then see to it that your skin is constantly hydrated very well. You can have that attained by applying high quality moisturizer not only in the morning but also before you hit the hay. For superb hydration from within, remember to drink about a couple of liters of water each day.

Including omega-3 fatty acids to the diet is highly recommended. Healthy fats are very good for keeping at bay wrinkles and also reducing the visibility of currently existing ones. Some of the best food sources of omega-3 fatty acids are avocados, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and all kinds of oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna and sardines. By the way, omega-3 fatty acids are also good for the heart, brain and joints.

Including multiple servings of fruits and vegetables in the diet regularly is a great idea, too. That's because all of them are packed with antioxidants capable of eliminating excess free radicals in the body. Dermatologists say that free radicals can in fact damage healthy skin tissue, thus speeding up the aging process. This is why every beauty-conscious woman on the face of the planet should load up on antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables daily.

Reducing sun exposure considerably is a definite must. Dermatologists confirm that the number one cause of premature aging is getting too much sun. This is why it's so important for women to apply sunscreen before stepping foot outside during the day. The best sunscreen for the task is the kind that has a sun protection factor or SPF of 30 or even greater.

Turn your back on cigarettes if you're a smoker. It's common knowledge that the heart and lungs of cigarette smokers are in grave danger. According to dermatologists, the appearance may also be in peril because of it. Thousands of toxins found in cigarette smoke can keep the skin cells from obtaining enough oxygen. What's more, they can damage available collagen, thus causing a woman to battle drooping and sagging.

Lowering stress is also highly recommended by dermatologists. Leading a very stressful life can cause inflammation to take place inside the body. This is something that can have all kinds of negative effects on a person's health, ranging from obesity, diabetes, heart disease to various forms of cancer. In addition, inflammation can also cause wrinkles to show up because it's something that can accelerate the aging process.

Always remember to have a good night's sleep. Dermatologists highly recommend obtaining 7 to 9 hours of restful sleep per night. This is a must for every beauty-conscious woman as it encourages optimum collagen synthesis. It's easier to remain free of wrinkles if there are plenty of collagen available.

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