Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Secret To Perfect Tape For Hair Replacement

By Henry Sanders

Hair loss can be a traumatizing experience. It affects your image and becomes a huge blow to your confidence. Though replacing it is an intricate procedure, the use of tape for hair replacement provides a walk over.

The use of tapes is recommended for persons looking for convenient and fast way to deal with an unpleasant hairline. It takes a few minutes to fix and does not require expertise skills. You only need your taps and a mirror to complete the procedure. With adhesive strengths that differ, your personal preferences will be met. Even an amateur fixing it for the first time can achieve incredible accuracy and a natural appearance.

How well you fix the tapes determines the eventual appearance. It will also affect your comfort for the duration you will have the system fixed on your head. Clean the scalp thoroughly to prepare it for attachment of the tapes. Dry it to eliminate water that may interfere with how well the glue holds. Ensure that the scalp is free of oil or grease because it interferes with the effectiveness of your adhesive.

It takes about 24hrs for the head to be ready once the system has been fixed. This gives you a guarantee that the tapes are in perfect place. You will require such tools as eye brow pencil, tapes, clip and scalp protector, among others. The protector ensures that the adhesive does not damage your skin. An inch length distance should be left from your temples to the hairline.

The hairline must appear as natural as possible. It should blend with your scalp because people can notice any artificial placement. The eye pencil is used to trace the perfect hairline for your head. In case the system will be worn for a long time, a space should be left to allow water and shampoo to escape. Alcohol spray enables you to align the system better before the adhesive can have a permanent hold.

Tapes are considered easier and convenient, a factor that has made them more popular over the years. By the third or fourth fix, you can be termed as a professional. If you intend to use adhesive, you must be planning for a long term solution. However, there are persons who use adhesives as personal preference.

A little space should be left between two tapes. This is meant to give the scalp time to breathe. It is especially important for persons with oily scalps. This will also help when washing your head because you can draw the shampoo away as you clean the head.

Taped hair stays on your head as long as you would desire. However, you have to make effort to keep it decent. A sweaty person will need to remove the system in 2-5 days. For a person with cool and dry hair, it might take up to 4-5 weeks.

Experts will help you keep the hair in perfect shape. When the fixing is done well, you have an easy time using this system and it will last longer. Buy hair and tapes that are of high quality to enhance durability. The quality of care you provide to the hairs and tapes will also have an effect on durability.

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