Friday, May 17, 2019

Ways Of Impressing A Custody Evaluator

By Laura Cooper

A misunderstanding between parents affects the children so much. If the two of them have to separate, they will have to decide on who will stay with the children and the court may send a custody evaluator to give his opinion. The following are some of the ways in which you can impress this expert and have him writing a report in your favor.

The professional expects you to be cooperative by adhering to all the requirements given by the court and his office. For instance, if you are asked to collect signatures from your area leaders and family members, failing to do so could draw a lot of conclusions. It could mean that you are disrespectful to the court. The professional may even conclude that the people did not cooperate because they do not like you.

You must be honest when giving your answers. The professional is trained and will easily detect when you are lying to him. If he suspects you are not telling the truth, he may conduct his own research. In case he realizes that he was right about his suspicions, he will conclude that you are not trustworthy and this is reflected in his report and suggestion made to the court.

Timekeeping is an important aspect to observe. You do not want to keep the professional waiting for many hours. Remember he has many other activities in his schedule and being late for the appointment will reduce the assessment period. It may also be an indication that you are disorganized and this can affect the manner in which you attend to the needs of the children.

The relationship you have with the children will be part of the report hence you should be very careful during his visits. He will be keen to know how you discipline them and even how they feel in your presence. Being harsh will make them portray that they fear you and this is not good. Correct them in a friendly tone.

Everyone has future plans and you will be interrogated about this. The expert is interested in knowing if your children are part of the plans. You hence need to plan a future as early as this assessment is suggested so that you can explain it to the expert in details. The plans should, however, be realistic and achievable lest he feels that you just made them up to impress him.

Try to be positive in your conversations. You should not spend a lot of time discussing the weaknesses of your partner. This is about the kids and not about your differences. If you do not focus on the children, the expert may conclude that you will not focus on them if given the custody. You will be too focused on getting back at your ex-partner.

The expert will also observe the environment one is living in before drafting his final report. Some of the things he will be concerned about include; security, the societal values in the area and even the people living in the house and within the compound. He will use these observations to determine how comfortable the children will be. Check that the environment is friendly.

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