Sunday, April 23, 2017

Physiotherapy Modalities & Electrotherapy Alleviate Arthritis With A Chiropractor In Schererville

By Bertulda Zerna

For many people, arthritis is simply an accepted part of aging. Even though there really isn't a remedy for this uncomfortable condition, physiotherapists have long been searching for a way to promote ease of movement and relief.

Steady exercise can be very beneficial for those with arthritis, but the pain can often be overwhelming. In these instances, various forms of physiotherapy can assist in alleviating discomfort. These are helpful for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis as well, which is a condition that younger people can experience if they're genetically predisposed to do so.

TENS, also known as trancutaneous electrical nerve stimulation can additionally alleviate arthritis for some, but it is not certain to be effective for all patients. This is involves electrical nerve stimulation via a small device that uses a very low voltage of electricity to effectively block pain signals. While this is not intended to resolve the underlying problem, it does provide sufficient relief to allow people to begin working on other forms of physiotherapy for improving joint and muscle health.

One method that is quite effective for arthritis, especially arthritis affecting the knee, is ultrasound therapy. With this, stiffness and swelling are reduced and blood circulation is improved through the use of high-energy sound waves. This is not unlike soothing the joints with a heat pack. Ultrasound is offered by a chiropractor in Schererville and often along with home-based activities and physical therapy for further improving mobility and alleviating joint inflammation.

Low level or "cold" laser therapy has also been used to treat arthritis - it has a similar effect to ultrasound, relieving pain and reducing inflammation. The laser used is a red laser that is less powerful. It does not have a heating effect. Therefore, there is no risk of the laser burning you or causing damage.

Any and all of these methods can be employed to alleviate the inflammation and pain of arthritis for improved movement and far less stiffness.

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