Thursday, April 27, 2017

Why You Should Look Into Dental Implants Maui

By Ryan Jackson

Dental implants have been providing an excellent alternative for restoring a missing tooth or teeth for the past many years. The implants are as anchors that are placed into your jaw bone to support the crowns or dentures. There are a variety of benefits resulting from Dental Implants Maui.

An experienced dentist can usually remove the remaining root, place a dental implant, and secure a new tooth to that implant in one visit of an hour or two. The loss of a single tooth in the back results from tooth decay or periodontal disease. Sometimes this can be treated just like front teeth, but for various reasons, it is often more time-consuming.

When should one resort to implant? Anyone having one or more missing teeth is a perfect candidate for the implant. Thus, you should opt for this process if: you want to replace your missing teeth, want to restore the aesthetics of your face by having your missing teeth replaced, You want to eat and speak without any difficulty, and You want to get rid of your inconvenient and uncomfortable dentures.

Administration of Anesthesia and Reflection of Soft Tissues: Since implant placement is a surgical procedure, your dentist will anesthetize the region where the replacement is to be placed, so that you remain comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. In the next step, your dentist will make an incision over the oral soft tissues, so as to expose the underlying jaw bone.

Many people think that with multiple missing teeth that one implant is required to replace each tooth; that is not usually the case. For example, if three teeth in a row are missing it is often possible to replace them with only two implants and a fixed bridge between them.

Minimal Requirement for Tooth Preparation - Fabrication of teeth bridges, even for the replacement of a single tooth requires reduction of the adjacent teeth as well. On the other hand, placement of dental implants does not require any preparation or modification of the adjacent teeth, thereby preserving the natural tooth structure.

The method may encounter Infections and nerve damage. Placement of the implants can lead to infection in the surrounding areas. Since the false root is implanted into the jaw through a surgical process, the tissues around it can become infected. Infection can be introduced during the surgery or the crown restoration. Poor oral hygiene can cause infections as well. Nerve damage due to over-preparation of the implant site is another potential complication that can result in numbness (paraesthesia), pain and an ongoing tingling in the tongue, chin, lips, or gums.

This practice of replacement of single missing teeth and multiple missing teeth have become as routine for dentist implantology as fillings are at your family dentist. For those with single missing teeth, they offer an exceptional replacement solution that can help prevent future problems.

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