Saturday, February 16, 2019

Finding The Root Cause Of Your Pain With A Chiropractor In Spring TX

By Ivy Catubig

To help patients manage acute or chronic pain, conventional medical doctors typically prescribe powerful medications, which only mask the symptoms without addressing their root cause. In other cases, doctors recommend surgery to relieve pain. Invasive procedures, however, come with long recovery times and are not always effective.

Many painful musculoskeletal disorders are the result of spinal misalignments (also called subluxations). Subluxations place pressure on surrounding nerves, leading to altered posture, pain, swelling, organic dysfunctions, degenerative bone conditions, or a combination of these. Misalignments may be the result of stress or trauma (such as an auto accident or work-related injury). Injuries to the soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) may also be a cause or symptom of painful conditions. Chiropractors provide a natural, personalized, holistic approach to alleviating these health concerns.

Chiropractic care does far more than simply manage symptoms given that it strives to address the source of problems and to provide long-lasting improvements. Patients who are new to this care receive comprehensive examinations in order to determine the exact causes of their pain. Injured areas are palpated by the chiropractor and x-rays are taken to reveal any abnormalities within the musculoskeletal system. These exams can include a range of chiropractic tests to determine the state of a person's posture and the effects of ongoing muscle pull. Movement limitations can be studied via range of motion tests. Stress can be placed on specific joints with orthopedic tests to identify the cause of a patient's discomfort. Neurological testing considers the reflexes and any abnormalities in physical symmetry can be identified via postural exams that also reveal weight dynamics and the amount of pressure that is being applied to either side of the body.

As per the results of these exams, the doctor can then develop a personalized plan to address the injury or condition in question and to help the individual attain his or her personal health and fitness goals.

The conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care are many and include sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches and migraines, arthritis, and sciatica.

With chiropractic care, it is possible to address injuries and pain at their underlying causes while gaining new information on how to prevent these types of problems. This all-inclusive approach to wellness and care also helps people avoid the dangers of high-risk, invasive procedures and potentially addictive painkillers.

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