Saturday, February 23, 2019

LGBTQ Parent Support San Rafael CA Area

By Frank Evans

Originally founded in 1972 by Jeanne Manford whom marched in the New York City's Christopher Street Liberation Day March of the same year, the supportive mother of a gay son had no idea how much larger the organization would become over the years. For, the numerous lives which PFLAG has touched has now helped to create new LGBTQ Parent support san rafael ca and elsewhere.

The original vision of the organization to envision a world in which diversity is celebrated while valuing and respecting people regardless of gender expression, gender identity or sexual orientation remains alive and well. For, while there has been some progress in these areas, there have also been a number of set backs. As such, the mission to help create families which can love and respect one another regardless of these and other differences remains a viable goal.

In most cases, the organization works to assist allies, friends and families by providing support groups in which these individuals can share biases, difficulties, ideas and personal experiences with others. Whereas, the organization also works to promote the safety of individuals in the LGBT+ community whom have been kicked out of homes, rental units or whom have been discriminated against in other ways.

With over four hundred chapters providing confidential peer-to-peer and parental counseling, advocacy and education, PFLAG plays an important and vital role in the LGBTQ+ community. Most often, there is at least one chapter or support group in or close to most big cities in the United States. If living in a rural area, there are also a number of blogs and websites associated with PFLAG which can offer assistance and recommendations for creating a local chapter, or locating the nearest chapter to the area in which an individual in need of support resides.

Since the inception of PFLAG, members have been changing the hearts, minds and souls of others when it comes to becoming more accepting and tolerant of people identifying as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Whether through peer-to-peer support groups or one-on-one counseling through a recommended professional, individuals have often found this support extremely helpful in overcoming a number of fears.

While most often visible during Pride parades and marches for equality, PFLAG goes far beyond these events in supporting the members of the community. For, the group not only provides support for those in need but also advocates at the state, local and national level as an attempt to gain equality for all.

The group has always played a vital role in the LGBTQ+ community. While this is the case, that need has only continued to grow over the last several decades. For, there are now more religious organizations and zealots discriminating against these individuals than ever before in history.

The rule of separation of church and state found in the U. S. Constitution has largely failed over the last few decades. As a result, a number of U. S. Government officials are now attempting to overturn newer laws which support members of the LGBTQ+ community based on religious beliefs. In response, PFLAG remains at the forefront in counterbalancing these and issues in an effort to try and prevent such laws from being repealed.

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