Saturday, March 16, 2019

A Pulmonologist New York Residents Trust Shares Tips On Keeping The Lungs Strong And Healthy

By Joseph Fox

The lungs are very important organs as they are the ones that make it possible for the cells to obtain much-needed oxygen. Also, they are involved in having the body safeguarded against disease-causing microbes. Below are some tips on how to keep a person's lungs and entire respiratory system in tip-top shape, says a pulmonologist New York residents trust.

Quit smoking. Definitely, one of the most important steps that a smoker should take is turn his or her back on smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 toxic chemicals. Experts say that 70 of those are carcinogens or substances that can cause cancer. Needless to say, cigarette smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer.

Stay away from secondhand smoke. It's very much possible for an individual to end up with lung cancer even if he or she is not a smoker. Such is made possible by the inhalation of smoke given off by cigarettes or breathed out by smokers. This is what's known as passive smoking. Per year, passive smoking is the cause of around 3,400 lung cancer deaths in non-smokers in the US.

Minimize exposure to pollutants. It's not just cigarette smoke that should be avoided, but also pollutants. Needless to say, it is of utmost importance to reduce one's exposure to pollutants outside the home. Unfortunately, there are also pollutants found inside the home. Opening windows, vacuuming more often, using exhaust fans and steering clear of household products containing toxins are some of the steps that may be taken to minimize indoor pollution.

Drink plenty of water. See to it that daily you are drinking about two liters of water. This helps ensure that your various organs such as the lungs are working optimally. Keeping the body hydrated helps keep the mucus lining your entire respiratory tract thin. Mucus that's too thick can keep your lungs as well as the rest of your respiratory system from carrying out their respective tasks.

Frequently wash hands. To keep at bay an upper respiratory tract infection, one must wash his or her hands with soap and water often. This is especially true during the cold or flu season. It's also a wonderful idea for an individual to put on a surgical mask as necessary.

Exercise on a regular basis. In order to keep the lungs working optimally, the muscles involved in respiration such as the diaphragm the ones between the ribs should be strengthened. Such can be done with the help of cardiovascular exercises like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, dancing and playing tennis. Taking slow, deep breaths most especially during stressful or anxious situations can help a lot, too.

Have well-balanced meals. The respiratory system is one of the body's various first lines of defense against disease-causing bacteria and viruses. It's for this reason exactly why keeping it in an excellent shape is of utmost importance. Opting for healthy eating helps ensure that the respiratory system is being supplied with all the nutrients it needs. The inclusion of foods rich in immune-boosting vitamin C to the diet is highly recommended.

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