Thursday, April 11, 2019

Undergoing Endoscopy With Endoscopic Anesthesia

By John Anderson

Endoscopy is one of those medical procedures that do not involve surgeries. A gastroenterology specialist or surgeon examines the gastrointestinal organs looking for the probable cause of the ailment. They inject an endoscopic anesthesia before starting the procedure.

The medical equipment or tool used in the procedure is the endoscope. Specialists hold the long and flexible tube and use the attached tiny camera in looking for abnormal growth and bleeding within the organs it passes through. Usually, it enters the mouth to esophagus until it stops in the intestines.

An endoscopic ultrasound can also be used by them to do the imaging. This gives them additional photos and information about the digestive tract, as well as its surrounding organs and tissues. It combines the functions of ultrasound with endoscopy.

The patient will do the procedure for varying reasons. Severe stomach pain, ulcer and gastritis may be the cause of his medical procedure. It may be due to the occurrence of bleeding in the digestive tract. He may feel a significant change to his bowel movement from the constipation and diarrhea he experienced.

They do upper endoscopy when they want to inspect the upper digestive tract. They get the endoscope to reach the small intestine from the mouth. If during initial examination they found out that the patient is suffering pain from his colon, they will do colonoscopy. Here, they will enter the tool from the rectum until it gets to the large intestine.

In serious cases, his colon may have polyps growing in it. These are cancer causing tumors. These can be removed through the endoscope to prevent the probable development of colon cancer.

The equipment can also prevent the bleeding caused by ulcers. Through the tube, it can help the passage of medical devices in order to do so. The specialist may also remove tissues to do biopsy for any presence of other diseases. They use ERCP or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography to take tissues. The ERCP is one of the procedures in endoscopy which examines the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and biliary system.

Some complications may occur from this generally safe procedure. The patient may incur a reaction from sedation. He may have faster metabolism which may burn the effects of anesthesia quickly causing him to wake up earlier than planned. Though rare, he may be some of those people who are allergic to anesthesia which creates a risk in doing this and other medical surgeries. The walls of his gut and affected organs may tear leading to probable bleeding and infection. This is due to improper handling of the endoscope as specialists pushes it in and pulls it out of his body.

The patient is required to follow preparations before doing the procedure. Within eight hours of the appointed time, he is to do fasting. He should also make sure that he cleared out his bowel of stool. If he is not able to do this, laxatives are given to him to ensure that he does so. He is to inform his specialist if he is under health medication so his specialist can advise which medicine to stop taking for a while. Blood thinners like aspirin might prevent or slow the formation of platelets in blood clotting.

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