Sunday, February 3, 2019

To Find Botox Injections Maple Grove MN Is The Best Location To Check Out

By Dennis Bailey

Botox is the most popular non-surgical treatment in use today, with over 6 million Americans going for it every year. Botox is derived from a bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium is quite common and can be found in various natural settings such as forests, lakes, and soil. The bacterium also exists in the organs and gills of shellfish such as crab and in the intestinal tracts of fish and mammals. When in need of Botox injections Maple Grove MN should be visited.

Naturally occurring Clostridium botulinum is generally harmless and does not cause any negative effect on the hosts. However, when the cells transform into vegetative cells and increase in cell population, they become very deadly to human and animal health. When this happens, the bacterium starts generating botulinum toxin. This is a deadly neurotoxin that causes botulism.

This is the most poisonous toxin man has ever come across and up to one million people can be killed by one gram of the correct concentration. Humanity can be alienated by a few kilograms. It is through causing respiratory failure that this poison kills. Although it is a very deadly toxin, it has a very high demand. It is indicated by research that this toxin is a valuable and successful therapeutic protein.

The poison has to be injected in very small amounts. The amount injected must be very diluted to avoid risk. Once injected, it stops signals from nerve cells from reaching muscles. This causes paralysis. The poison inhibits acetylcholine from being produced in the body. Muscle contraction in the body is usually controlled by acetylcholine. As such, the poison inhibit abnormal muscle contraction, something that assists with eliminating stiffness in the body.

Botox finds a lot of use in the field of cosmetics and medicine. Some uses are approved while others are not approved. In cosmetics, the substance is used to reduce the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles on the body. Thus, it helps people to achieve smooth skin by reversing the bad effects of UV light and aging. Subsequent applications are necessary to maintain the smooth look however.

Currently, this substance is used for several medical applications. For example, it finds use in treating many medical problems such as eye squints, excess sweating, leaky bladders, and migraines. This toxin can be used for treating more than twenty medical problems. Research that backs use on several other medical applications is still ongoing.

Like stated earlier, the toxin must be administered in very small high diluted amounts. Dilution is done using saline to the right concentration. After being diluted, the toxin is injected into neuromuscular tissue directly. The effects of the toxin take effect after a period of between 24 and 72 hours. Although rare, there are cases where the full effects have taken up to 5 days to show fully.

The body reacts favorably to the medication in most people. However, in less than one percent of the people, the body may develop antibodies that make subsequent treatment ineffective. It is also normal for certain side effects to be experienced along with the normal effects of the treatment. Some of these side effects include numbness, headache, mild nausea, malaise, and neck weakness among many others. Pregnant and lactating mothers should not use the treatment.

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